HR consist of many functionalities which can be part of core HR or Generalist HR. Along with the core features, these additional HR functionalities also take equal amount of day to day time. Many software focuses on core functionalities and are of importance but these generalist modules are slowing gaining importance. HRMS generalist modules covers all these day to day functions which are equally easy to use, reduce HR manual work and makes all the information available to employee on their desktop. It also helps to cut down unnecessary communication between HR and Employee.
Overtime Calculation
Overtime rules are linked with Shift rooster. Accordingly set up shift timings and over time rules. HR managers can set up customize rules for shifts. Rules can set on basis of mins anchors difference. Overtime is directly linked to salary process and all calculations are automatically done during salary process.
HRMSAAS is easy to set up and simple to use cloud application. It’s a cost effective application, easy you use and easy to setup. You pay only as much as you use ensuring you get value for your money.